Dianne Ames - Rumi Oracle

Love, like life, flows through the heart.
Feel the thrill of the flow and say nothing.

Do you yearn to find your way? To fulfil your divine destiny? To know the purpose for your presence within this sacred body of the Earth Mother? Your heart is questing for deeper meaning It desires certainty as to your sacred tasks for this lifetime. Your heart wants to know why you were born; for what purpose? You must know that the answer to these questions is love! I bring you your answer, straight from the heart of the universe. Be wild within your passion. Do that which stirs your soul, even when it makes you uncomfortable. Especially then! For what is being truly alive if not a decision to be open instead of resistant, to be wild rather than comfortable, so that at any moment we will be ready for the invitation of the Divine Beloved to come closer. I call to you now, the you that is beyond your mind, the you that the heart knows, the you that cannot deny life. To that you, I ask this question: what stirs the passions of your nature? Do that. Be that.

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As we grow on the spiritual path, so too does our ability to serve life, to serve love, to honour humanity and to offer a contribution that is unique to us, that could only flow in this particular way through the quality of our own soul light. Every light holds its own beauty, and every light has a particular task to fulfil on the divine path of life.

To help us remember this - lest we get too easily distracted by the pain and stress that happens in life - we were given an in-built reminder. That reminder is our passion. We may think that passion is not particularly practical. We may feel fearful that with passion there are no guarantees of success, or that we may even be throwing away a stable and secure life to pursue our passion. These are the fears of many a modern society, yet they are so misplaced. Life supports all beings based on their true nature. The birds are given air in which to fly and fish are given water in which to swim. Plants are given light of the open plains, or darkness of the damp rainforest, depending on their needs for growth. Different flowers flourish in different environments. Bees have wings that are very small but powerful enough to move with such speed and rotation that their heavy bodies can fly. Each aspect of creation is given what it requires so it may become what it is meant to be, for its unique destiny to be fulfilled. So it is with humanity. Each one of us has something in our hearts that means something to us. It is irrelevant whether it seems practical or a recipe for success or not. We are simply meant to be what we are, to serve life faithfully from a place of honouring the truth of our nature 一 that which we genuinely feel passionate about - and to allow for life to naturally support growth according to our.genuine nature. Where we get into difficulty is not in bringing our genuine passions to life - for life supports this - but in learning to let go of attachment as to how that happens. We can struggle to free ourselves of the expectation we have to be something we are not. The divine path of love asks us to become conscious o£ and then unlearn, the play-acting of attempting to be a false self so that we may learn to simply love and accept our real self We may even have a struggle on our hands to remember who our real self actually is for a time. Fortunately, there is pleasure in the journey of returning to passion that can make the process of self-discovery a sweet one.

But we must be brave, even in the sweetness of that journey back to the real self We must dare to believe that we are not broken, that we are not inadequate or better off to be like some other person, or some other persons view of how they think we should be! We must be brave enough not to believe in the layers of guilt and shame. We must be bold enough not to fear our passion. As we dive deep within and explore what really makes us tick, what makes us feel alive, we must be open, curious and non-judgmental. That may be a subtle journey at first; we may feel as though we are looking in the dark, wondering if we will ever catch a glimpse of the light of passionate meaning we hope to find. That passionate purpose may at first be barely recognisable amongst all the 'should; 'cannot' or must do' of our lives. As we stay true to the path, however, that light will become unmistakably clear. Our passion will reveal itself to us as essential as our breath! We would feel as though we were not alive without it. How could we have missed it all those years, perhaps all those lifetimes ? It will seem so obvious then, burning so clear in our hearts that it cannot be more obvious, that we simply must live this desire, this passion, this purpose, or else spiritually perish into a shrivelled up shell of a person, denying of life itself! No! That shall not be! Passion must and shall prevail.

This oracle comes to you with guidance. You are being initiated more deeply into your life purpose. Your passion will reveal itself to you with more depth, nuance and beauty than ever before. If parts of your life are dissembling, or do not seem to be working out as you had planned, these are symptoms of this passionate revelation. Be curious and open to what presents itself in the wake of the falling away. Be ready for the journey within now. You are strong enough to leave behind the need for external validation whilst you learn to validate yourself In time - soon enough in fact - you shall reveal your innermost beauty and be witnessed and received, acknowledged for your innate value, purpose and divinity. But for now, sweet beloved, dive deep, be defiant and determined to honour your heart so your deep passion may be witnessed by you and eventually, naturally, make its way into sacred expression in the world. If you have recently discovered a new talent or purpose, or have been dreaming some big dreams, this oracle comes to you with guidance and confirmation. You are excited! Follow that excitement. Let it lead you into your own heart truth and onto an evermore passionate path of purposeful living.


Sit with one hand at your belly and one hand at your heart. Say the following aloud: "Rumi, who loves me unconditionally, brother of my soul, guardian of my heart, help me witness, receive and express the divine depths of my passionate purpose.Sit with one hand at your belly and one hand at your heart. Say the following aloud: "Rumi, who loves me unconditionally, brother of my soul, guardian of my heart, help me witness, receive and express the divine depths of my passionate purpose.

May I be gifted with the ability to consciously recognise the guiding hand of love on my journey, that I may serve that same hand through passionate and purposeful existence, surrendered into the greater passionate purpose of the universal heart. So be it."

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