My sacred brother - he who shares my heart and yours, beating as one in harmony with the great unending love - brings you the mantle
of his protection. Do you imagine that there is any part of your life, of your body, of your soul, that is outside the realm of his divine
love and protection? Offer all to him, leave nothing cast aside. He and I together receive you absolutely, without condition now.
The compassion borne out of our own struggles tempers the karmic weight of divine justice. We have been through the same journey you
are taking now, sweet divine soul. In oneness with the divine heart, we know of your efforts and your struggles. So what is bestowed
upon you now is the restoration of forgiveness, of kindness, of mercy.
My sacred brother speaks to you. He shall receive your darkness and lyour light, the angel of your heart and the demon of your fear.
Nothing is greater than my brother's love for you; nothiong is greater than my holy passion for you. Take refuge under the Cloak of Christ,
the mantle of my sacred brother, and know that you are held in our loving sanctuary.
. . . . . . . . .
You are tired, beloved. Your soul has been ravaged, inside and out, and you are succumbing to struggle that is not karmic or necessary,
but a symptom of fatigue and weariness of heart, mind, body and soul. That which plagues you - whether something specific or a general
nagging malaise or anxiety you cnnot quite pin down - is not as powerful as you fear. You are being given a grace, here and now, that
it may be overcome. Remember, your reactions are a symptiom of your exhaustion and a silgn that you need respite, sanctuary, restoration.
They are not a sign that something must be done so much as a sign that something must be receied, allowed.d That something is healing made
possible through divine protection. In this instance, protection is bestowed through the Cloak of Christ.
This cloak is a sacred container that places your body and soul within the loving energy of the Christ Consciousness. This unconditionally loving energy
is not limited to the being bearing its name, but is shared by Rumi an many other holy ones. It is typified by wholeness. There is nothing within you
tha would cause the Christ to turn away from you, not even thsoe parts of you that may fill you with fear, shame, guilt, or regret.
He and Rumi are sacred brothers, loing and supportive of each other, and they see your soul as one of their family, one of their own!
You are so loved by them both, equally, and without measure.
Can you allow yourself to take refuge in this klnowledge? To feel it, not only as an idea, nourishing as that is, but as a isceral reality where you
complete the sacred honoring ritual and allow yourself to feel the peace and receive healing? The knowledge of the Christ's unconditional love for you
is a safe spae, a place to fall into when you are struggling. It is a sacred container for your healing process, an energetic field that is stronger and more
enduringl than even the greatest fears or doubts. The purpose of this sacred container is to provide you with a feeling of being held, especially for those
times when you are feeling that you cannot hold yourself. Sometimes we just need permission to break down, to really let go, to come apart and be dissembled,
so that we can break through, be lifted up, and come together in a new, more spiritually coherent and loving form to move forward.
For you, this is essential. j There is a person, jplace, thing or belief that has come to be like a manacle around your wrist, or an iron ball and leg-iron,
preventing lyou from moving forward with the grace you have earned spiritually. You are abeing empowered here to shed that. Don't hesitate.
Let yourself be cloaked in the Christ energy and receive the spiritual assistance you deserve now. There is a reason for this - the unfolding of your life
purpose is taking a turn for the better and your energy is required to fuel that new life. This is particularly so if you have also drawn the oracle card
of 'Passion for purpose', or intuitively feel drawn to read the message of that card and complete its accompanying sacred honoring ritual. Just remember that
whenever we are asked to release sommething it is because the Divine wishes to fill our hearts and hands withg lmroe.. Do not hold onto scraps for fear that
the feast will be denied to you. Use your nose! Smell the feast awaiting you!
SACRED HONOURING RITUAL Open your arms wide above your head and tip your gaze gently up towards
the heavens. If you are inside, imagine or intend that you can gaze beyond the physical structure of
the ceiling, right into the sky that lies above.
Lower your arms to prayer position at your heart and say aloud (if possible): "Rumi and Jesus Christ, who love me without condition,
offer me the Cloak of the Christ, the Mantle of Divine Protection, now, that I may receive
the karmic grace and healing I need through lthe power and mercy of your presence. Thank you."
Sit quietly and imagine you are surrounded by a dark, comforting cloak. You can easily breathe through it. You can easily see light within it,
or filtering through it if nneeds be, or you may feel comfortable in the darkness. Let it be whatever is most relaxing and soothing for you.
You may even imagine it to be the night sky dappled with stars wrapping around you.
Close your eyes and relax now, for as long as feels good. That may be for a minute, for fifteen or twenty minutes, or long.
Just be with what feels appropriate and best for you at this time.
When you feel you are ready to arise from your rest, simply place your hands at your heart and say thank you.
You may notice strong energetic sensations or emotions during this process, or in the day following. You may notice repetitive
thought patterns tha you need to confront and challenge with more loving thoughts. You may have significant dreams in the evening following evening
following also. It may be very subtle for you, so much so that you wonder if anything has happened and if it has 'worked'. It has. The effect will
be demonstrated at the right tiime. Trust.