Lenormand Worksheets
9 |
invitation, happy announcement, gifts, happy mail |
1 |
rider |
an invitation, happy announcement, visitor bringing gifts |
2 |
clover |
opportunities in a social circle, fun group, fortuitous neteowork, lucky invitation, announcing
a winner |
3 |
ship |
eploring social life, leaving a current group or network, slow to make friends, distant connections |
4 |
house |
family social gatherings, reunions, gratitude for family, enjoying family things, generous
relative |
5 |
tree |
healing, health, natural remedies, wellness, nature, environment, pregnancy, happy
expansion |
6 |
clouds |
deceptive social circle, confusion re. a group, false gratitude, uncertain about gifts/good
news |
7 |
snake |
manipulation by flattery, to desire attention, using gifts to cling, sneaky gifts, trojan horse |
8 |
coffin |
end of beauty, losing gratitude, end of
joy & happiness, ending charity |
10 |
scythe |
an sudden/unexpected invitation, cutting off gifts, cutting off something beautiful, cut
off from joy |
11 |
whip |
exploiting gratitude, showing kindness during conflict, cyclic gifts, discipline in giving/charity |
12 |
bird |
chatter & gossip in a gathering, talk about gifts, talk about youth/beauty/creativity/charity |
13 |
child |
showing kindness to a child, praising a child, child bearing gifts, happiness with children |
14 |
fox |
socializing for selfish reasons, suspicion about motives for gifts & manipulation, secret
gifts |
15 |
bear |
social circle dominates life, an influential social circle, bully in a group, protective support |
16 |
star |
dreaming of better situations, hope for social situation, wishing for happiness & joy,
dreams of gifts |
17 |
stork |
becoming more social , getting admiration from changing, moving toward happiness, generosity |
18 |
dog |
appreciation for friends, admiration from friends, comfy cozy gifts, comfort with friends/pets |
19 |
tower |
conflict between wanting to be social vs isolating, antiques, herilooms, happy traditions |
20 |
garden |
public meeting, public reputation, invitations to public events, group events, to enjoy
socializing |
21 |
mountain |
obstacles in social situations, difficulties enjoying gifts, blocking sending/receiving
something |
22 |
road / crossroad |
choices based on pleasure, choices based on rewards, choosing to keep something or give
it away |
23 |
mouse |
something pleasant is being corrupted/eaten away, false flattery, troublesome group member |
24 |
heart |
loving social circle, flattery in order to gain compassion, passion for mankind, generosity,
empathy |
25 |
ring |
social commitment, ja promise of a visit, splashy engagement, announcement of partnership |
26 |
book |
praise over one's education, graduation gift, enjoying learning/school/teaching, gifts of
books |
27 |
letter |
msg. of gratitude, social/network messages, group minutes & records, invitations, happy mail |
28 |
man |
a sociable, flirtatious, generous gift-giving man, man who finds joy in giving |
29 |
woman |
a sociable, flirtatious, generous gift-giving woman who enjoys giving & nurturing, dorm
mother |
30 |
lily |
gratitude for creature comforts, giving without conditions, developing charity, wise adviser |
31 |
sun |
a happy visit or celebration, gifts that enhance well-being & make you excited/exhubrant |
32 |
moon |
gratitude, sensitivity about giving/receiving, emotional about giving/receiving/kind gestures |
33 |
key |
opening up to compliments, social breakthrough, opening up to social life, releasing charity
funds |
34 |
fish |
giving away wealth, generosity, lots of benefits/gifts, a foundation or charitable orgtanization |
35 |
anchor |
message of satisfaction, achieving goals, messages w/deep words, documents for security, steady |
36 |
cross |
social life is a burden, seffering for social life, giving until it hurts, spiritual gifts,
painful giving away |
10 |
severance, rupture, clearing, liberation, ending, shock, sudden, threat, risk, danger, accident,
violence, sudden event, urgency |
1 |
rider |
accident, sudden message |
2 |
clover |
a happy surprise, a lucky ending |
3 |
ship |
a painful goodbye, end of a journey or trip |
4 |
house |
ending of a family relationship, ending of traditions |
5 |
tree |
surgery, health procedure, spreading illness, genetic health issues |
6 |
clouds |
to end confrusion sudden conrusion, cyclic confusion, ambivalence about discipline |
7 |
snake |
an end ot ambition, sudden desire, can't see what is creeping up around you, co-dependence |
8 |
coffin |
a sudden ending, painful ending, death |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
an unexpected or sudden invitation, cutting off gifts/giving/receiving, cut off membership |
11 |
whip |
sudden danger, sudden conflict, ending abuse, ending discipline, end of recurring situation |
12 |
bird |
being alert to sudden changes, talk about ending or cutting something off, putting an end
to gossip |
13 |
child |
danger from inexperience or naiivite', an injured or vulnerable child, end of reproduction |
14 |
fox |
self-defense causes pain to others, sudden selfishness, cutting off a sneaky situation, invisible
cuts |
15 |
bear |
breaking away from dominant people, breaking a habit, cutting off a bully, cut off protection |
16 |
star |
loss of hope, sudden change in dreams, cut off from spiritual/mystical activities or information |
17 |
stork |
ending rreansformation, sudden transformation or transition, cut off from wisdom/advice |
18 |
dog |
end of a friendship, end of loyalty, cut off from comforts, prohibited from being with animals |
19 |
tower |
a rational ending, painful loneliness, being cut off for a long time, timed ending |
20 |
garden |
an end to public involvement, cut off from a group/network, pruning, weeding out bad stuff |
21 |
mountain |
obstable to ending something, blockage then sudden movement, stalled ending, ending hassles |
22 |
road / crossroad |
pain from choices, sudden choice, eliminate a choice, choosing to cut something off, to end
or not |
23 |
mouse |
ending bad habits, ending corruption, cutting out a cancer, cutting off trouble makers |
24 |
heart |
broken heart, ending a relationship, ending with compassion, glad for the end, passionate
ending |
25 |
ring |
break a promise, end a commitment, promise to cut something off, sudden engagement |
26 |
book |
reveal a secret, knowledge about danger/hurtful truth, cut off learning/school funding, destroy
books |
27 |
letter |
ending communication, cut off mail/messages, sudden break in network, shredding records |
28 |
man |
a hurtful/dangerous man, man who likes knives, surgeon, cut off male friendshp, cut off all
men |
29 |
woman |
hurtful/dangerous woman, cutting-snarky lady, cut off female friend, woman who cuts |
30 |
lily |
dangers of sensual pleasure, sudden ending for moral reasons, turth that cuts, wise ending |
31 |
sun |
ending of fun or joy, unhappy ending, cutting out the sun/vitality/excietment/vigor, cut off from joy |
32 |
moon |
suden emotional pain, sudden consciousness of something, sensitive to cutting remarks/exclusion |
33 |
key |
opening to danger, open to putting an end to something, cut off from discovery or vital info |
34 |
fish |
taking stock of financial situation, lots of cuts/cutting, lots of endings, settling finances,
cut off funds |
35 |
anchor |
ending one's ties to something, removing restraints, deep cuts, stuck in trying to end something |
36 |
cross |
responsibility of ending, sudden pain & suffering, suffering for religion, painful spiritual
truths |
11 |
problems, challenge, conflict, discord, strife, tension, distress, confrontation, arguments, quarrels, animosity,
anger, pain, abuse, suffering |
1 |
rider |
seasonal/cyclic/abusive visitor, news about a competition, painful hospital visits, visiting
back & forth |
2 |
clover |
taking anger lightly, small conflicts, ambiguous luck, recurring luck |
3 |
ship |
moving away from aggression& abuse, discovering conflict, slow moving pain, overseas treatments |
4 |
house |
conflict inside family/home, family shame & guilt, abuse in the home, recurring repairs |
5 |
tree |
physical abuse, pain, recurring illness, rough & painful treatment of/by/practitioners / Rx
side effects |
6 |
clouds |
confusion about aggression/violence/abuse, hidden abuses, foggy boundaries/discipline or morality |
7 |
snake |
to create pain by lies, sneaky abuses, passive aggression, clingy co-dependence |
8 |
coffin |
end of a conflict, stopping abuse/pain, loss of something that was recurring, repressed aggression |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
exploiting gratitude, showing kindness during conflict, masochism, recurring/cyclic gifts
exchanged |
10 |
scythe |
sudden danger or conflict, cutting off abuse/abusive person, abuse with knives, cutting fights |
12 |
bird |
worrying about painful feedback, anxiety & nervousness, back & forth chatter, constant reprimands |
13 |
child |
aggression against innocence, conflict about/with child, abusive child, discipline, new
painful regimen |
14 |
fox |
self-harm, passive aggression, caution regarding discipline/violence/abuse/harm, tricky &
painful |
15 |
bear |
aggression dominates life, abuse of power/painful bully, discipline, forceful, back & forth power |
16 |
star |
meaningful suffering, questioning faith, spiritual discipline, asceticism, suffering for religion |
17 |
stork |
transformation causes shame, shame/aggression transforming something, punishing transition |
18 |
dog |
conflict with a friend, to remain obedient despite abuse, masochistic, loyal, batter wife
syndrome |
19 |
tower |
creating distance from conflict, family abuse cycles, painful traditions, defending against abuse |
20 |
garden |
violent mob, recurring painful social situations, hate groups, public punishment/shame |
21 |
mountain |
being overwhelmed by conflict/abuse, painful blockage, having to get over or not react
to abuse |
22 |
road / crossroad |
ambivalent choice, inner conflict, regrets, painful choice/decision, recurring painful decisions |
23 |
mouse |
abuse eating away at something, cyclic corrosion, multiple sources of pain & abuse, multi-disciplined |
24 |
heart |
conflict about love, lover's quarrel, meeting hate with compassion, loving discipline, desiring
pain |
25 |
ring |
painful promise/commitment, being connected by hate/anger/violence, abusive cycles |
26 |
book |
knowledge as a weapon, secret abuse, student of violence/abuse/discipline, keeping a painful
secret |
27 |
letter |
aggressive communication, hurtful words, trading insults, filing a complaint, lawsuit |
28 |
man |
conflict about or with a man, an aggressive-abusive-hurtful-violent man, disciplinarian man |
29 |
woman |
fights with a woman, hurtful female, disciplinarian, dominatrix, cycles with female issues |
30 |
lily |
conflict about sensual issues, morality & discipline, using punishment wisely, pain runs its
course |
31 |
sun |
conflict that ruins happiness, sadism, excited by violence/abuse, discipline leads to improvement |
32 |
moon |
shame, conflict between fears & needs, sensitive to unkindness, sensing cruelty, detecting
danger |
33 |
key |
opening up to criticism/abuse, breaking through cycles, breaking out, escape, liberty thru
discipline |
34 |
fish |
conflict over business matters, financial compensation, lots of abuse/abusers/violence/back
& forth |
35 |
anchor |
inability to let go of conflict, being shaped by trauma, deep pain/abuse/violence issues, stuck in pain |
36 |
cross |
suffering from abuse/discipline/asceticism, suffering as destiny, religious punishing cycles/rituals |
12 |
communication, messages, phone calls, chatter, discussions, debates, expression, interactive,
anxiety tension, gossip |
1 |
rider |
spoken messages, an interview, chatty visitor(s), talk about visits or messengers,
invitations |
2 |
clover |
excited/anxious about a lucky chance, worry about luck, accolades & rewards,
offers |
3 |
ship |
nervous excitement about travel, worried/anxious over slow progress, talk of travel |
4 |
house |
a chaotic noisy home, talk about real estate or home matters, whispers & rumors about home |
5 |
tree |
speech/vocal issues, spiritual talk, preaching, pontificating, hubris, talk
about roots/nature |
6 |
clouds |
gossip creates confusion, ambiguous about speaking out, foggy mixed messages, confusing talk |
7 |
snake |
wanting too many things, messy ambitions, clinging to spoken words & promises, sneaky recordings |
8 |
coffin |
worry about loss, putting an end to gossip & chatter, talk brings loss or final ending, talk
of death |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
group chatter/gossip, gift of words/poetry, sending well-wishes,
talk about charity/philanthropy |
10 |
scythe |
being alert to sudden changes, sudden talks/conferences/interviews, cutting off communication |
11 |
whip |
worry about painful feedback, anxious/nervous, painful/punishing words, reprimands, cyclic talks |
13 |
child |
nervous about inexperience, chatty kids, talk about children, new talks opening up |
14 |
fox |
watchful alertness & suspicion, secret talks, tricky words, selfish worries, covering your
ass |
15 |
bear |
chatty gossip w/or about guardian/disciplinarian/security, talk of bullies, forceful speaking manner |
16 |
star |
many dreams, erratic faith, wild imagination, silly talk, talk of ethereal/cosmic/paranormal
things |
17 |
stork |
worry about change, transformation in communication, transitions due to talks, evolving words |
18 |
dog |
nervous/anxious friend, chatty friend, comforted by words, gossip about friends, talk about
pets |
19 |
tower |
creating distance to avoid stress & gossip, time-honored speeches, talking to yourself, lofty talk |
20 |
garden |
gossiping social groups, social networks, internet & phone issues, public speaking/singing |
21 |
mountain |
little stresses cause big problems, block to speech, obstacles with speaking, coercing & convincing |
22 |
road / crossroad |
indecision, nervous anxiety, head noise about choices, talking about options |
23 |
mouse |
dirty gossip corroding things, talk eating away at you, annoying chatter, destructive chatter |
24 |
heart |
worry/anxiety about love, love talk, pillow talk, talk about romance/love/passion, heartfelt
words |
25 |
ring |
nervous about commitment, talk of promises & pledges, caught in web of words, words trapping
you |
26 |
book |
private knowledge, worried about education, written language, studying words, interpreter |
27 |
letter |
stressful communication, gossip, invitation to speak, written words, foreign language documents |
28 |
man |
man with sense of nervous excitement, anxious/worried man, chatty man, man good with words |
29 |
woman |
lady good with words, the town gossip, lady speaker, anxious/worried lady, talk of female
issues |
30 |
lily |
gossip about sex/morals/ethics, mature wisdom being spoken, words of ancestors, talk of aging |
31 |
sun |
happy thoughts, little joys, talks about vitality & inspiration, motivational speakers, life coach |
32 |
moon |
emotional instability, worry/anxiety, sensitive/paranoid about talk or gossip, a poet, intuitive
medium |
33 |
key |
worry about opening up, anxiety about revelations or news coming out, breakthrough in talks |
34 |
fish |
worry about finances, lots of anxiety, lots of chatter, many speakers/speeches/lectures |
35 |
anchor |
inability to let go of worries, focus on stress, weighed down by talk/worry/paranoia, deep words |
36 |
cross |
worry about responsibilities & burdens, suffering due to words, condemnation, fate by declaration |
Lenormand Worksheets
13 |
children, pregnancy, new beginnings, fresh perspective, joy, play, creativity,
freedom, innocence, vulnerability, naivety, inexperience |
1 |
rider |
birth announcement, a visit from a child, visit or message relating to a new start |
2 |
clover |
happy childhood, new opportunity, happy fresh new beginning |
3 |
ship |
inexperience/vulnerability in traveling, new journey, exploring playfully, travel involving children |
4 |
house |
a new family, conflict between new & familiar, child in family, fresh start in new home |
5 |
tree |
pregnancy, childhood health issue, sick child, family issues with
children, family vulnerability |
6 |
clouds |
confusion from inexperience, growing confusion |
7 |
snake |
immature desires, someone easy to manipulate, innocence & wisdom, clingy child, diplomacy |
8 |
coffin |
loss of innocence, repressed inner child, death of innocence or child, loss & grieving |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
showing kindness to child, praising child, happiness & fulfillment with children, happy
new beginning |
10 |
scythe |
danger from inexperience, an injured child, cutting off reproduction, cut off from children |
11 |
whip |
aggression toward innocence, child conflicts, child abuse, recurring pregnancies, painful beginnings |
12 |
bird |
nervousness about inexperience/vulnerability, chatty children, talk about kids or beginnings |
14 |
fox |
being unable to care for one's self, naive person being tricked, secret pregnancy issues |
15 |
bear |
seeking a leader, protecting/teaching/leader of children, child bully, strong child bearer, surrogate |
16 |
star |
childish hopes, hopes for a child, new wish, hoping & trusting in a new beginning, fresh
start |
17 |
stork |
start of a new transformation, child or a naive person transforming, old soul, childlike
rejuvenation |
18 |
dog |
childhood friend, innocent/vulnerable friend, new friendship, loyal & naive person, puppy |
19 |
tower |
a lonely/isolated child, long-time child issues, detachment from children/inner child, orphanage |
20 |
garden |
new social group, inexperience in public relations, social beginning, outdoor child
events, kid network |
21 |
mountain |
innocence causes obstacles, inexperience causes obstacles, obstacles to child bearing,
parenthood |
22 |
road / crossroad |
childlike choices, open-mindedness, decisions about children or new projects |
23 |
mouse |
decaying playfulness, decaying innocence, troublesome children, kids eating away at a situation |
24 |
heart |
loving child, inexperience in love, child needing compassion, pedophilia, passionate about
children |
25 |
ring |
a new commitment, a promise regarding child, promise of new beginning, commitment to kids |
26 |
book |
young student, new studies, children's books, information about parenting & children |
27 |
letter |
innocent conversation, inexperience with communication, official documents re. children |
28 |
man |
childish/innocent/vulnerable man, male child, new begriming with a man |
29 |
woman |
childish/innocent/vulnerable/inexperienced lady, female child, new motherhood, new start
w/a lady |
30 |
lily |
sexual inexperience/innocence/vulnerability, a mature child, child development, trans-gender
child |
31 |
sun |
childlike happiness, finding joy in childhood, vibrant energetic robust child qualities, brilliant child |
32 |
moon |
neglect of inner child emotional needs, emotional-sensitive-intuitive child, psychic regarding
children |
33 |
key |
curiosity, vulnerability, opening up to something new, breakthrough with child, child
insights |
34 |
fish |
little wealth, being inexperienced in financial matters, lots of children, rich/privileged
childhood |
35 |
anchor |
stability for a child, restrained by inexperience, held back by kids, grounded by kids, willful child |
36 |
cross |
inexperience is a burden, suffering because of innocence/vulnerability, new situation
of suffering |
14 |
stealth, deceit, hidden, trap, fraud, trickster, two-faced, self-interest, treachery,
loyalty to the family, self-care, employment |
1 |
rider |
news of betrayal, a message of deception |
2 |
clover |
suspicion about opportunity, distrust of luck |
3 |
ship |
a selfish journey, exploring one's self |
4 |
house |
suspicion about untraditional things, selfishness in family issues |
5 |
tree |
undiagnosed health issue, misdiagnosis, growing/spreading treachery |
6 |
cloud |
deception, remain cautious when you don't have clarity, foggy about loyalty or job responsibilities |
7 |
snake |
selfish desires, suspicion about deception, can't shake off suspicion, caution about desires |
8 |
coffin |
repressing one's desires, self-care during grief, a suspicious death, end to treachery |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
socializing for selfish reasons, suspicion about social life, trickery/treachery in a
group/network |
10 |
scythe |
self-defense causes pain to others, sudden selfishness, recurring suspicions |
11 |
whip |
self-harm, have caution over aggression, tricky boundaries/morals/ethics, painful suspicion |
12 |
bird |
watchful alertness & suspicion, selfish worries, talk/communication involving suspicion/treachery |
13 |
child |
being unable to care for one's self, naive person being tricked, sneaky trickery involving
children |
15 |
bear |
suspicion about a leader, suspicion overwhelms all areas of life, protecting against manipulation |
16 |
star |
false hope, conflict between hope and suspicion, selfish wishes, hoping for loyalty |
17 |
stork |
self-transformation, suspicion re change, a tricky transition, moving
away from manipulation |
18 |
dog |
selfish friend, suspicion about loyalty, conflict over friendship & trust issues, tricky
friendship |
19 |
tower |
suspicion creates loneliness/isolation, distrust of others creates barriers, long-time con game |
20 |
garden |
distrust of public, caution about society, disloyalty in a group or network |
21 |
mountain |
caution about upcoming challenges, getting through obstacle requires trickery |
22 |
road / crossroad |
suspicious about choices, cautious deliberation, selfish choices |
23 |
mouse |
decay of trust, trust is polluted and unwarranted, disloyalty eating away at something |
24 |
heart |
selfish love, suspicion about love, self-love, using love to manipulate, having a tricky
love situation |
25 |
ring |
suspicion about a commitment/promise, self-serving commitment, manipulation with coercion |
26 |
book |
suspicion about knowledge, self-education, suspicious information, traitor regarding secrets, |
27 |
letter |
communication for selfish means, suspicion about a conversation, disloyal mail exchanges |
28 |
man |
a suspicious or selfish man, manipulative/tricky man |
29 |
woman |
paranoid or selfish, manipulative/tricky female |
30 |
lily |
selfish lover, suspicious lover, virtue in self-love, wisdom about relationship games |
31 |
sun |
being happy over one's self, suspicion of happiness |
32 |
moon |
deep suspicion/paranoia, emotional self-care, looking within one's emotions, sensitive
to insincerity |
33 |
key |
conflict between suspicion vs openness, caution about opening up, breaking through trickery |
34 |
fish |
caution about finances, selfish view of money, greed, lots of two-faced tricky people/situations |
35 |
anchor |
secure in one's identity, focused on self-interest, deep treachery/betrayal, tied to a tricky situation |
36 |
cross |
conflict between duty vs self, suspicion is a burden, not trusting religion, fated treachery |
15 |
protection, power, physical strength, courage, affluence, benefits, authority, leadership, dominance,
competition |
1 |
rider |
financial news, message from a boss, visit from a protector or leader |
2 |
clover |
a light hearted leader, a lucky leader, leader bringing blessings |
3 |
ship |
searching for a leader, moving away from dominant figure, slow moving leadership, distant
protector |
4 |
house |
a parent, family leader, protecting family, tradition is influence, strength in the household |
5 |
tree |
weight gain, overwhelming condition, expensive illness, family leaders/protectors/ strong
health |
6 |
clouds |
overpowering confusion, confusion about a leader/protector, foggy muddy leadership |
7 |
snake |
to desire power, a sneaky manipulative leader, clinging to strength or strong person |
8 |
coffin |
loss of a leader, end of power, overpowering grief, loss of a protector, loss of strength |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
social circle dominates life, an influential social circle, safety in numbers, network
of power |
10 |
scythe |
breaking away from dominant people, breaking a habit, cutting off a strong person or protection |
11 |
whip |
aggression dominates life, abuse of power, cycles of leadership, abusive strong person |
12 |
bird |
chatty gossip with or about a guardian figure, chatter about or among strength & security |
13 |
child |
looking for a leader, protecting a child, teaching a child, vulnerable, inexperienced
or naive leadership |
14 |
fox |
suspicion about leader, one's suspicion overwhelms all areas of life, cunning stealth
power |
16 |
star |
a spiritual guardian, large spiritual influence, strength in beliefs, wish for strength/power/protection |
17 |
stork |
change has become overpowering, leadership is going through transformation, transition
to power |
18 |
dog |
overpowering someone that is passive, a strong friend, secure in leadership/protection/strength |
19 |
tower |
born leader, distant-isolated leader, dominated by arrogance, power traditions, a compound |
20 |
garden |
strong influence on the public, public domination, protests against power/leadership |
21 |
mountain |
challenge that dominates life, leader that causes challenges, obstacles to strength or
security |
22 |
road / crossroad |
influence on choices, bullied into a decision, strength/confidence in a choice, elections
for leadership |
23 |
mouse |
corrupt power, decaying strength, eating away at power/security, leaders destroying things |
24 |
heart |
love is power/strength, compassion is power, a loving leader, passion for power, loving
protector |
25 |
ring |
a promise that dominates life, a strong bond or promise, commitment of leadership/security |
26 |
book |
teacher, being dominated by educational achievements, powerful knowledge, weaponizing
information |
27 |
letter |
communication about power/leadership, official documents of rank & status, unbreakable contracts |
28 |
man |
male figure with authority, strong dominant man, bully, male protector |
29 |
woman |
woman of authority, dominating strong female, bully, female protector, feminist |
30 |
lily |
powerful & overwhelming sensuality, obtrusively moral, strength in maturity & wisdom |
31 |
sun |
positive leader or guardian, being dominated by search for happiness, strength in vitality & zest |
32 |
moon |
dominating emotions, overwhelming emotions, repression/protection from trauma, sensitive
leader |
33 |
key |
opening up to a leader figure, breaking through boundaries
& limitations, leaders opening doors |
34 |
fish |
financial situation is overpowering, possessiveness, strong finances, bullied by money,
many leaders |
35 |
anchor |
dominant focus in one area of life, tied to a bully, weighed down by stubborn power |
36 |
cross |
leadership is a burden, suffering leader, destined to be great, strong spirituality, stubborn
beliefs |
16 |
wish fulfillment, hope, faith, optimism, blessing, healing, miracle, spirituality, dreams,
clarity, providence, prophecy |
1 |
rider |
happy news, faith that all news is meant to be, wishing & hoping for a visit/messenger |
2 |
clover |
belief that all will turn out as it is meant to, trust in luck, hoping &
praying for blessings/miracles |
3 |
ship |
wish to travel, searching for meaning, evolving wishes & hopes, astral travel, fluid dreams/wishes |
4 |
house |
trust in family, dreams about home & family, a place of meditation or dream work, religious
building |
5 |
tree |
recovery, healing, treatment, hopes/dreams/wishes/trust/faith about health or relatives |
6 |
clouds |
confused about meaning in life, murky beliefs, not clear about hopes & dreams, faith &
trust |
7 |
snake |
spiritual leader, want/need spiritual growth, seduced by spirituality, misplaced trust/hope, clinging
to hope/faith/beliefs or dreams, wrapped up in wistful imagination |
8 |
coffin |
loss of meaning, loss of hope/faith, end of a dream, grieving breaking from faith & beliefs |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
dreaming of better situations, hopes for social situation, gift of faith, tithe & spiritual
gifts |
10 |
scythe |
cutting off hopes/faith/dreams/trust, cutting off wishful thinking, cutting through unreal
things |
11 |
whip |
meaning in suffering, questioning faith, painful beliefs/traditions/rituals, recurring dreams |
12 |
bird |
many dreams, faith is erratic, dreams are unstructured, talking in sleep, discussing dreams/faith |
13 |
child |
childish hopes, hopes for a child, new wish, innocent trust & faith, new beliefs/dreams/wishes |
14 |
fox |
false hope, conflict between hope & suspicion, secret dreams & wishes, guilty secret thoughts |
15 |
bear |
a spiritual guardian, strong spiritual influence, strong faith/trust/hope, overpowering thoughts |
17 |
stork |
desire for transformation, positive transformation, spiritual rebirth, moving toward faith,
evolving faith/beliefs, elevating in spiritual stature, spiritual growth, uplifted thinking, revelations |
18 |
dog |
trusting in friendship, trusting in loyalty, wish for great friendship, comfort in beliefs/spirituality |
19 |
tower |
ivory tower, high hopes, wish for higher position, spiritual authority or institution, wish for isolation |
20 |
garden |
dreaming about fame, trust in society/groups/networks, wishing for connection, sharing
beliefs |
21 |
mountain |
doubting your hope, difficulty in finding hope/trust, obstacles in faith, unmovable faith/beliefs |
22 |
road / crossroad |
choices based on dreams, following hopes, hopes are blocked, religious decisions, wandering
mind |
23 |
mouse |
worried about future eating away at trust/faith/hope/beliefs, bad dreams, imagined stress/anxiety |
24 |
heart |
spiritual love, wish, prayers for love, imagined love, dreaming about a loved one, praying
for desires |
25 |
ring |
faith in commitment, committed to dreams, honor, lofty thoughts about loyalty & integrity |
26 |
book |
wishing or knowledge, studying spirituality, dream work, secret dreams/wishes |
27 |
letter |
desiring communication, prayer, award, dreams/wishes becoming official decree or promise |
28 |
man |
hopeful trusting spiritual man, man with many wishes, dreamy man with active thought
life |
29 |
woman |
female dreamer/thinker, hopeful trusting woman, spiritual woman with lofty beliefs |
30 |
lily |
desiring sensuality, sex & spirituality, trust in purity of intentions, evolving & maturing
ideology |
31 |
sun |
desiring happiness, following happiness, success, robust thought life, vibrant imagination, brilliance |
32 |
moon |
trust in emotions, daydreaming, lucid dreams, prescient & psychic, mysterious ideas &
knowledge |
33 |
key |
understanding one's true desires, experiencing enlightenment, breaking through mental
issues |
34 |
fish |
hope for wealth, trusting in prosperity, dreams of abundance, lots of idea, overactive
imagination |
35 |
anchor |
holding onto hope, strong faith, stubborn ideas & beliefs, anchored or burdened by a belief/idea |
36 |
cross |
conflict between individual spirituality and religion, suffering for religion/beliefs,
spiritual authenticity |