Lenormand Worksheets
25 |
relationship, partnership, unity, agreement, marriage, cooperation, commitment, promise, contract, completion |
1 |
rider |
marriage announcement, new commitment, visitor from a committed person |
2 |
clover |
taking a commitment lightly, lack of commitments, knowing the promise will all work out |
3 |
ship |
commitment to travel/exploration, conflict between commitment and exploration, slow to commit |
4 |
house |
commitment to family, deep family connections, commitment to tradition, family promises |
5 |
tree |
partnership, physical connection, commitment to healing, promise of healing |
6 |
clouds |
confusion about commitment or promise, a murky ambiguous promise |
7 |
snake |
to desire a commitment, commitment to one's ambition, sneaky promises, backroom deals |
8 |
coffin |
ending a commitment, end of promise, a promise of a visit, end of engagement, death of partner |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
social commitment, promise of a visit, celebration of promise/engagement or commitment |
10 |
scythe |
sudden promise/commitment, cutting off a promise/commitment/engagement, promise to cut |
11 |
whip |
painful promise, connected by pain/hate/abuse/anger/violence, recurring promises, promise to punish |
12 |
bird |
nervous, excited, worried about promise/commitment, chatter & talk about promise/commitment |
13 |
child |
a new commitment, commitments/promise regarding children, innocent promise, vulnerability |
14 |
fox |
suspicion about commitment/promise, self-serving promise/commitment, stealth partnership |
15 |
bear |
promise that dominates life, strong commitment/bond, bullied into a promise, promise to protect |
16 |
star |
faith in a commitment, commitment to dreams/faith/beliefs, honor, lofty unrealistic promises |
17 |
stork |
commitment to change, changing/shifting/ commitment, promise of fertility/pregnancy |
18 |
dog |
bound by loyalty/friendship, promise between friends, comfort/security in commitment/promise |
19 |
tower |
rational connection, bound by pride, committed to institution/corporation, commitment to solitude |
20 |
garden |
public commitment, shared commitment, commitment to club/group/network |
21 |
mountain |
obstacle to commitment, a difficult commitment, foreign commitment, something to get over/around |
22 |
road / crossroad |
a choice about commitment, making different promises, a promises forces you to decide |
23 |
mouse |
a dishonest promise, a troublesome/harmful commitment, eaten away by promises |
24 |
heart |
a commitment from the heart, marriage, bound by love, romantic vows/promises |
26 |
book |
knowledge about a relationship or contract, secret promises/commitments, committed to education |
27 |
letter |
written promises/commitments, message about a promise, contract, official oath/vow/commitment |
28 |
man |
a man committed/bound to something, man making promise/commitment to YOU |
29 |
woman |
female bound to something, female w/promise/commitment to or relationship w/YOU, |
30 |
lily |
commitment to lover, sexual promises, commitment to purity, developing commitment |
31 |
sun |
promise that brings joy/happiness/vitality, happily committing to something, promise of brilliance |
32 |
moon |
emotional commitment, an intuitive commitment, sensing someone bound by something, fear
of... |
33 |
key |
to enter into a contract, make a promise, commitment to solving problems, promise opens
a door |
34 |
fish |
a business commitment/promise, deals & promises made, lots of promises, promise of abundance |
35 |
anchor |
finding security in a promise/commitment/ bound by a promise, stuck because of commitment |
36 |
cross |
committed to duty, promise that burdens, bound by suffering, spiritual/religious
commitment |
26 |
secrets, mysteries, knowledge, learning, intellect, research, erudition, breakthroughs, discoveries, memory, books |
1 |
rider |
secret message, educational news, discovery, visitor bringing books/reading materials |
2 |
clover |
learning for fun, not taking education seriously, knowledge/education brings luck/discovery |
3 |
ship |
knowledge about faraway places, exploring new studies, foreign study, slow moving information |
4 |
house |
family knowledge, secret in family, being home schooled, secret real estate issues/knowledge |
5 |
tree |
health exam, unknown health issue, certificate of health, studying nature/genealogy |
6 |
clouds |
hidden truth, confusion/uncertainty of studies, study of atmosphere, information about
weather |
7 |
snake |
academic ambition, crave knowlege, study mysteries/conspiracies/secrets, sneaky info/codes, spying |
8 |
coffin |
painful truth, end of school/learning, study about death/forensics, mysteries of
of death |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
praise over one's education, enjoying one's education, sponsorship/scholarship, help with
school |
10 |
scythe |
secret revealed, sudden cut off of information flow/learning, painful/cyclic studies,
painful truth |
11 |
whip |
knowledge as a weapon, discipline w/education, info of abuse, keeping a painful secret |
12 |
bird |
private knowledge, worried/anxious/excited about education, chatter, talk about education/secrets |
13 |
child |
young student, very little education, start of school/learning, research/information discovery |
14 |
fox |
suspicion about knowledge, hidden intellect, self-education, suspicious information, job in
acacademia |
15 |
bear |
teacher, being dominated by academia/school achievements, powerful knowledge, bullied in school |
16 |
star |
wishing for knowledge, studing spirituality, dream study, making things up, "alternate facts" |
17 |
stork |
knowledge transforms, knowledge about transition, developing information, OB/GYN knowledge |
18 |
dog |
knowledge about friend, educated friend, comfort in school/learning, study of animals |
19 |
tower |
educational authority, university, intellectual snobbery, isolated for research/study, study of time |
20 |
garden |
public knowledge/class, outdoor learning events, educational network/social groups |
21 |
mountain |
difficult education, obstacles to school/learning, info about obscacles & challenges, motivational |
22 |
road / crossroad |
education opens freedom, study choices, false information, secret options, secret duplicity |
23 |
mouse |
little edlucation, wrong info, knowledge of illness, eaten away by secrets/info, time-senstive info |
24 |
heart |
thinking vs feeling, knowledge of love, secret love/passion/dsire, study/stories about love/romance |
25 |
ring |
knowledge about relationship/contract/commitment, info of partnerships, committed to study |
27 |
letter |
communicate knowledge, academic letter/contract/certificate/license, school notes |
28 |
man |
educated man, truth/secrets about man/men, male teacher/education Administrator, male biography |
29 |
woman |
leducated womn, truth/secrets about lady/females, lady teacher/Education official, female
stories |
30 |
lily |
passion about education, pleasure from education, pure facts, geriatric/retirement info |
31 |
sun |
success at school, fun, fullfilment in learning, knowledge brings success, vibrant-radiant-student |
32 |
moon |
emotional knowledge, knowledge of fears, education in psychology/mystical thigns |
33 |
key |
finding out the truth, education opens doors, breaking through learning difficuties, keys
to knowledge |
34 |
fish |
knowledge about finance, vast knowledge, lots of schools/teachers/students/books, expensive
tuition |
35 |
anchor |
safety in knowledge, deep knowledge/wisdom, tied to books, holding onto truth, stability in education
36 |
cross |
burden of truth, burdens invovling education, study of religions/dealing with burdens |
27 |
news, messages, mail, communication, notes, paperwork, documents, contracts, applications, records |
1 |
rider |
messages, letters arriving, visitor bring news |
2 |
clover |
light conversation, communication creates opportunities, lucky letter/papers,
lottery winner |
3 |
ship |
communication about journey, exploring ways of communication, foreign papers, documents |
4 |
house |
communication about family or traditions, legal papers, certificates,, awards, license, will |
5 |
tree |
lab results, health report, ancestral papers, written papers/letters about botany or nature |
6 |
clouds |
uncertainty about a conversation, confusion about communication, hazy obscure written messages |
7 |
snake |
communicating your desires, communication with a goal, sneaky papers, wrapped up in papers |
8 |
coffin |
communicating an ending, the end of communication, dead letters, death certificate |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
msg of gratitude, written accolades gifts of/on paper, sweet & happy
letters, invitation |
10 |
scythe |
sudden cut of from mail, stopping letter exchanges, hurtful cutting letters, an interruption |
11 |
whip |
aggressive, painful, punishing document or letter, communicating conflict, back & forth papers |
12 |
bird |
stressful communication, gossip, anxious about mail/letters/papers, discussing letters/papers |
13 |
child |
innocent conversation, inexperienced with communication, baby talk, talk with/about children |
14 |
fox |
communication for selfish means, suspicion about messages/papers, tricky/stealth papers/messages |
15 |
bear |
communication about power/leadership/bullying, strength due to paperwork |
16 |
star |
wishing for/desiring communication, prayer notes, awards, lofty written words, imaginative
writing |
17 |
stork |
communication for/about transformation, baby announcement/invitation, moving notice |
18 |
dog |
communication with/about friend or friendship, secure due to a document, animal papers |
19 |
tower |
official documentation, communication makes one less lonely, building certificates/documents |
20 |
garden |
public communication, conversation about culture, papers/msgs between members, invitations |
21 |
mountain |
communicating aba out challenges, obstacle to/about communication, blocked mail/papers |
22 |
road / crossroad |
notes requiring a decision, expressions of choice, decisions on paper, journal, written test |
23 |
mouse |
corrupt written conversation, decaying communication, eaten away by paperwork/etceteras |
24 |
heart |
a love letter, letters from the heart, romantic written words, heart graph, written apology |
25 |
ring |
irritate promise/contract, letter about commitment, pre-nuptial agreement, lover's vows |
26 |
book |
letters re education, school books, study communications/writing,
secret notes/notes about secrets |
28 |
man |
communication about a male, an expressive male, male writer/journalist/communications expert |
29 |
woman |
woman letter writer, expressive, handling paperwork |
30 |
lily |
passionate/sexy letters/messages, open communication, letters about development or evolution |
31 |
sun |
a happy, vibrant conversation on paper, sharing joyful messages w/others, motivational messages |
32 |
moon |
expressing emotions on paper, emotional from reading something, calming words on paper |
33 |
key |
the solution is in the written paperwork, message about a breakthrough, open message exchange |
34 |
fish |
conversations about finances, financial papers/documents, security thru a document, lots of
papers |
35 |
anchor |
focus on communication, weighed down by paperwork, locked in/stuck due to a document/message |
36 |
cross |
communication is a burden, writing about suffering/spirituality/purpose in suffering |
28 |
masculinity, a man, the querant (if male), the querant's love interest (if female) a partner, lover, friend, relative, colleague |
1 |
rider |
a new man coming into your life, a visit w/a man, strong/fit/athletic male |
2 |
clover |
a lighthearted man, lucky man, man bringing luck |
3 |
ship |
a traveling man, a man with wanderlust, slow moving man, foreign exchange male, a sailor |
4 |
house |
a male family member, a traditional man, man in the home, male real estate broker |
5 |
tree |
sick man, male doctor, male ancestor, man of nature |
6 |
clouds |
confusion about a man, man hiding something, unclear/unsure about a male, ambiguous male |
7 |
snake |
an ambitious/seductive/shrewd man, clingy/needy male, sneaky male, wrapped up in/by men |
8 |
coffin |
a grieving man, a widow or a man that has died, end of male-ness, end of involvement with
male |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
a sociable or flirtatious man, generous gift-giving man, a superficial insincere male, flamboyant
man |
10 |
scythe |
sudden breakup with a male, a hurtful dangerous man, cutting/snarky/male, cutting
off men |
11 |
whip |
violent/painful/discipline/punishing man, conflicts w/men, back & forth man, male cycles |
12 |
bird |
talk about men, men talking, nervous/anxious/excited man, excited about a man |
13 |
child |
new relationship w/man, young/inexperienced/innocent/vulnerable male, a male child |
14 |
fox |
tricky man, a suspicious or selfish man, stealth invisible unseen man |
15 |
bear |
strong, leader, bully male, male protector, male with authority, dominating man |
16 |
star |
optimistic/hopeful/trusting/spiritual/idealistic/dreamy man, man too much in his imagination, |
17 |
stork |
a an going through changes, transitioning/restless/moving male, male is changing you |
18 |
dog |
a male friend, loyal/devoted/comfortable/secure male pal, a man involved with animals, male
pet |
19 |
tower |
male boss or CEO, isolated/lonely/aloof man, man in lan institution/government, past/future man |
20 |
garden |
community of men, social man, man with many contacts/network, man in the public eye |
21 |
mountain |
difficulties w/a man, male is obstacle to where you want to go, getting around a
stubborn man |
22 |
road / crossroad |
indecisive male, decision about a male, man with many faces/intentions, wandering man |
23 |
mouse |
troubled/sick man, troubled by a man, a man in poverty, corrupt male, beaten down by a male |
24 |
heart |
marriage announcement, new commitment, passionate male lover, sensitive romantic/loving male |
25 |
ring |
a committed man, bound to a male, engaged to a male, man who brings people together |
26 |
book |
a man who is well educated, truth about a man, man with secrets, avid reader, male biography |
27 |
letter |
communication with/about male/men, an expressive man, good writer/journalist, man=papers |
29 |
woman |
a couple, harmonious unity, issues involving men & women |
30 |
lily |
sensual passionate man, virtuous righteous man, developing into a man, mature/geriatric man |
31 |
sun |
warm/vibrant/robust man full of vitality & joy of life, joy with/because of a man, positive & upbeat |
32 |
moon |
sensitive-gentle man, emotional man, man with lot of depth & intuition, mystical-poetic man |
33 |
key |
a revelation about a man, an open or nosy man, man with the keys to where you want to go |
34 |
fish |
a wealthy or greedy man, male business partner, man working w/money, lots of men |
35 |
anchor |
a man that is solid or deep or bound to something, focused and restrained |
36 |
cross |
religious/spiritual man, guru, man who is burdened/suffering, masculine duties, noblesse oblige |
Lenormand Worksheets
29 |
femininity, a woman, the querant (if female), the querent's love interest (if male), partner, lover, friend, relative, colleague |
1 |
rider |
a new woman coming into your life, woman visitor, woman bringing news |
2 |
clover |
a lighthearted woman, a lucky woman, woman bringing you luck |
3 |
ship |
a traveling woman, a woman with wanderlust, foreign woman, slow moving woman |
4 |
house |
a female family member, traditional woman, woman realtor, house full of women |
5 |
tree |
sick woman, female doctor, female ancestor, woman health practitioner or herbalist/nature
lover |
6 |
clouds |
confusion about a woman, woman with secrets, fuzzy/hazy/unclear female, gender ambiguity |
7 |
snake |
an ambitious seductive or shrews woman, sneaky or clingy female, desiring a female |
8 |
coffin |
a grieving woman, a widow, woman who has died, end of femininity, gender change, zombie
female |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
a sociable or flirtatious woman, gifts to & from females, a female feels like a gift,
flamboyant lady |
10 |
scythe |
a hurtful & dangerous woman, a female ex, cutting off a female, a cutting snarky woman |
11 |
whip |
conflict about or with a woman, aggressive/punishing/violent or insulting woman, female cycles |
12 |
bird |
a, anxious/nervous/excited woman, female chatter, talk about women |
13 |
child |
a childish inexperienced vulnerable female or child, new start with a woman, childlike
woman |
14 |
fox |
suspicious or selfish woman, invisible/stealth female issues, tricky woman relationship/issues |
15 |
bear |
female figure with authority or leader, dominating/bully female, female protector |
16 |
star |
hopeful trusting or spiritual woman, woman with many wishes/dreams/imaginations |
17 |
stork |
a woman going through changes or transitioning, traveling woman, woman facilitating transition |
18 |
dog |
a female friend, a devoted and loyal female, comfort & security with female(s) |
19 |
tower |
a female CEO/boss/gov't worker, a woman that is lonely and aloof, isolated female, imprisoned |
20 |
garden |
a community of women, woman in the public eye, social event planner, female networks |
21 |
mountain |
difficulties concerning women, obstacles involving women or female child |
22 |
road / crossroad |
indecisive female, decision about female, woman with many faces, choosing a woman |
23 |
mouse |
a sick or corrupt woman, eaten away by female issues, troublesome female, a lady becoming poor |
24 |
heart |
marriage announcement, new commitment, love of woman, passionate woman, heart issues |
25 |
ring |
a woman that is committed or bound to something, engaged woman, lady bringing people together |
26 |
book |
well educated woman or teacher, truth/secrets about a female, female studies |
27 |
letter |
communication/letters/writings about-from-by females, an expressive lady, female documents |
28 |
man |
a couple or pair, harmonious unity, non-binary (both genders), issues involving men &
women |
30 |
lily |
sensual passionate woman, virtuous righteous woman, mature developed woman |
31 |
sun |
a warm successful popular or positive radiant energetic female, motivational woman |
32 |
moon |
a woman with a lot of depth-emotional knowledge and intuition, mysterious/sensitive woman |
33 |
key |
a revelation about a woman, an open or nosey woman, woman who opens doors |
34 |
fish |
a wealthy or greedy woman, female business partner, lots of women or women issues |
35 |
anchor |
a woman that is solid focused or restrained, stuck or tied to a woman, stubborn female |
36 |
cross |
a woman that is burdened or suffering, female duties, religious/spiritual woman, a female
is your cross to bear |
30 |
career, experience, talents, expertise, established, milestones, virtue, wisdom, maturity, peace, tranquility, development, longevity |
1 |
rider |
news about sensuality, sensual message, message about morality-development-virtue-longevity |
2 |
clover |
enjoying sensual pleasures, contentment in simplicity, lucky in old age, developing luck |
3 |
ship |
exploring sensuality, exploring ethics & morality, foreign or long distance developments |
4 |
house |
traditional sexuality, traditional morals/virtues, developing real estate |
5 |
tree |
health issues from age or ancestors, sexual health, inner strength, expanding & developing |
6 |
clouds |
blocked communication about sex, confusion about ethics, becoming confused or foggy brained |
7 |
snake |
craving/addiction to sensual pleasure, hide or bury one's sensual desires, sneaky developments |
8 |
coffin |
ending of physical pleasure, conflict between desire/virtue, morbid sex, end
of development/virtue |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
gratitude for creature comforts, give without strings attached, sexy gifts, flamboyance |
10 |
scythe |
cutting off pleasures, dangers of sensual pleasure, sudden ending for moral reasons |
11 |
whip |
conflict about sensual issues, a punishment involving morality, painful values, cyclic developments |
12 |
bird |
talk/gossip about sex, talk/gossip about morals & virtue, anxiety/excitement about these
things |
13 |
child |
sexual inexperience/innocence/vulnerability, pedophilia, developing child, virtuous child |
14 |
fox |
selfish lover, suspicious lover, virtue in self-care, trickery or stealth maneuvers |
15 |
bear |
powerful overwhelming sensuality, bully about sex-morals-virtue, sexual protection |
16 |
star |
wishing/dreaming/imagining/desiring sensuality/sex, lofty morality/virtue, trust in pure
intentions |
17 |
stork |
sexual transformation, moral transformation, from one level to another, evolving |
18 |
dog |
sex w/friend, comfort & security involving sex, loyal sex partner, breeding |
19 |
tower |
authority in sexual relationship, moral authority, sex institutions, isolation - sex/transformation |
20 |
garden |
public display of intimacy, moralistic community, sex network, sensual events, evolving
social issues |
21 |
mountain |
obstacles in sensuality, blocked from sex partner, challenges in virtue or transformation |
22 |
road / crossroad |
many partners, sensual freedom/exploration, open morality, options & choices |
23 |
mouse |
lack of passion, morally corrupt, sexual issues eating up you or a situation, corrupted by sex |
24 |
heart |
passionate relationship, complete full-hearted love, loving-kindness, love that transforms |
25 |
ring |
commitment to lover, committed to purity, promise of something sensual or transformative |
26 |
book |
passion about education, pleasure from education, pure facts, sex study or secrets, kama
sutra |
27 |
letter |
steamy msgs, papers w/words about sex/sensuality/transformation, documents, certificates, license |
28 |
man |
sensual passionate virtuous righteous man, transformed man, mature wise man |
29 |
woman |
sensual passionate virtuous righteous woman, transformed/mature/wise female, life coach |
31 |
sun |
great enthusiastic energetic sensual pleasure, finding joy in virtue, brilliance through transformation |
32 |
moon |
gentle or emotional sexual experience, deeply self-disciplined or virtuous, sensual mysteries |
33 |
key |
to open up to sensuality, virtue opens new experiences, breaking through hangups |
34 |
fish |
pleasure in material objects, honest ethical financial dealings, lots of sex or partners |
35 |
anchor |
grounded by pleasure, dedication to morality/ethics/virtue, stuck in morality, bound to or by sex |
36 |
cross |
burden of sensuality/morals/ethics/virtue, sexual suffering or responsibility as a burden |
31 |
vitality, energy, power, radiance, light, truth, enlightenment, happiness, joy, success, victory, glory, abundance, fortune |
1 |
rider |
fit, vibrant, energetic visitor, good news, victorious news, driven with ambition |
2 |
clover |
small happiness, happiness about luck & lack of responsibilities, luck
that energizes you |
3 |
ship |
a happy journey, discovering or searching for happiness, slow moving energy |
4 |
house |
a happy family, finding joy in traditions, sunny warm household, vibrant joyful household |
5 |
tree |
lots of energy, strong health & vitality, brilliance/vibrancy in the family and/or ancestors |
6 |
clouds |
confusion about what makes you happy, failure to see joy in life, murky energy |
7 |
snake |
desire for happiness & seeing positives, sneaky, joy sneaking up on you |
8 |
coffin |
ending of something that brings joy, victory over sadness, end of energy source |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
a happy visit or celebration, gift that energizes you, brilliant-vibrant-exhuberant offering |
10 |
scythe |
cut off energy/joy/happiness/vibrant health, ending that which does not
bring happiness |
11 |
whip |
conflict that ruins happiness, enjoyment from punishing others, fluctuating rejuvenation |
12 |
bird |
happy thoughts & chatter, little joys, excited energy |
13 |
child |
a childlike happiness, finding joy in childhood, new beginning of vibrant life/joy/radiance |
14 |
fox |
being happy over one's self, suspicion of happiness, secret pleasure/joy |
15 |
bear |
a positive leader or guardian, being dominated by search for happiness |
16 |
star |
desiring happiness, following happiness & success, unrealistic ideas of happiness |
17 |
stork |
finding joy in a transformation or change, transitioning to a happier place |
18 |
dog |
a happy friendship, vibrant energetic brilliant friends/pets, joy with friends/animals |
19 |
tower |
to be happy in solitude, pride, confidence, a vibrant robust institution or government |
20 |
garden |
public celebration, public commendation, joy in socializing, energy & fulfillment in a
group |
21 |
mountain |
difficulty/obstructions & obstacles/blockages
to finding flow of energy or happiness & fulfillment |
22 |
road / crossroad |
happy freedom, happy decision, obvious choice, decision leading to vibrancies/energy/optimum
life |
23 |
mouse |
eating away at energy/happiness/joy/enthusiasm/quality of life |
24 |
heart |
a happy relationship, love that brings joy & vitality |
25 |
ring |
a promise that brings happiness, committing to something with happiness, committed to
robust life |
26 |
book |
success at school, knowledge brings success, finding secrets to happiness & vitality through
books |
27 |
letter |
a happy conversation, sharing joy with others, certificates/documents that lead you to a happy life |
28 |
man |
a warm successful popular or positive man, vibrant/radiant/brilliant/energetic male |
29 |
woman |
warm successful popular or positive female, vibrant/radiant/brilliant/energetic female,
life coach |
30 |
lily |
great sensual pleasure, finding joy in virtue, enthusiastic vibrant sex life, developing
maturing in joy |
32 |
moon |
deep joy & happiness, desire to be happy, happiness & vitality dealing with mysteries/intuition |
33 |
key |
to discover & open oneself to happiness, understanding what happiness is, breaking through
to joy |
34 |
fish |
wealth & happiness - full or or lack of, finding happiness in commerce/financial things,
lots of joy |
35 |
anchor |
a happy security, finding pleasure in safety |
36 |
cross |
finding joy with responsibilities, finding joy despite suffering |
32 |
honor, seduction, affection, passion, psyche, subconscious, intuition, sensitivity, beauty, imagination, femininity, peace |
1 |
rider |
swift action, new romance |
2 |
clover |
joyful feelings, not taking feelings too seriously |
3 |
ship |
exploring one's intuition, fear of travel or exploration |
4 |
house |
family influence on subconscious, feelings on family, emotional household |
5 |
tree |
mental health, emotional health, melancholy, intuition, psychic ancestors |
6 |
clouds |
confusion about feelings, inability to understand emotions |
7 |
snake |
to desire understanding of one's emotions and fears |
8 |
coffin |
deep sadness & grief, emotional trauma |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
gratitude, an emotional meeting |
10 |
scythe |
sudden emotional pain, sudden consciousness of something |
11 |
whip |
shame, conflict between fears and ones needs |
12 |
bird |
emotional instability, worry, talk about metaphysics/intuition/psychic matters |
13 |
child |
neglect of inner child's emotional needs, sensitive child with deep emotions |
14 |
fox |
deep suspicion, emotional self-care, looking within one's emotions |
15 |
bear |
dominating emotions, overwhelming emotions |
16 |
star |
trust in emotions, daydreaming |
17 |
stork |
deep desire, emotional transformation |
18 |
dog |
emotional dependence, emotional friendship |
19 |
tower |
being emotionally cold, deep loneliness |
20 |
garden |
a public display of emotions, social fear, agoraphobia |
21 |
mountain |
emotions becoming an obstacle, emotional challenges |
22 |
road / crossroad |
emotional choices, fear making a choice, intuitive decisions |
23 |
mouse |
neglecting one's emotions, jealousy, self-destructive emotions, eaten away by sensitivity/emotion |
24 |
heart |
a love filled with deep emotions, desiring love, passion, mysteries of the heart |
25 |
ring |
emotional commitment, an intuitive connection |
26 |
book |
emotional knowledge knowledge about fears, education in psychology |
27 |
letter |
expressing emotions, having emotional exchanges, written emotional words |
28 |
man |
a man with a lot of depth-emotional knowledge & intuition, sensitive male |
29 |
woman |
woman with a lot of depth-emotional knowledge & intuition, sensitive woman |
30 |
lily |
emotional sexual experience, deep self-discipline, maturing in emotional management |
31 |
sun |
deep joy & happiness, desire to be happy, fulfillment in mystical things |
33 |
key |
unlocking the subconscious, new awareness of dreams |
34 |
fish |
value of emotions, feelings on finances, lots of feelings or intuitive sensations |
35 |
anchor |
emotions creating stability, deep emotional ties, weighed down by depression/emotions |
36 |
cross |
suffering from empathy/emotions, deep suffering, suffering from intuitive knowledge |
33 |
intelligence, insight, clarity, revelation, locking, unlocking, breakthrough, problem solving, achievement, liberation, help |
1 |
rider |
important news, significant person, insightful person, person who helps unlock something |
2 |
clover |
an easy way out, taking an opportunity, lucky breakthrough |
3 |
ship |
being open to travel and exploration, discovering opportunities |
4 |
house |
conflict between tradition vs new methods, revelation about family |
5 |
tree |
recovery, fate, family secret, releasing from restrictive family |
6 |
clouds |
confusion about newfound freedom, to find a solution out of confusion |
7 |
snake |
to desire freedom, to desire achievement, revelation about one's desires |
8 |
coffin |
opening up to grief, acceptance of an ending |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
opening up to compliments, opening up to social life |
10 |
scythe |
opening oneself to danger, opening oneself to putting an end to something |
11 |
whip |
opening up to criticism, leaving oneself open to abuse |
12 |
bird |
worry/anxiety about opening up, anxiety about a revelation |
13 |
child |
curiosity, vulnerability, opening up to something new |
14 |
fox |
conflict between suspicion vs openness, caution about opening up |
15 |
bear |
opening up to a leader figure, boundaries being overpowered |
16 |
star |
understand one's true desires, experiencing enlightenment |
17 |
stork |
opening up to change and transformation |
18 |
dog |
opening up to a friend, a new discovery about a friend |
19 |
tower |
freedom from loneliness |
20 |
garden |
revelation about the public, a public discovery, breakthrough involving social event/group/network |
21 |
mountain |
finding a solution to a problem, opening up to a challenge |
22 |
road / crossroad |
opening choices, absolute freedom |
23 |
mouse |
openness causes vulnerability, decay of ones understanding |
24 |
heart |
opening up to love, the solution is love, to love and understand |
25 |
ring |
to enter into contract, to make a promise, commitment to understanding/solutions |
26 |
book |
finding out the truth, education opens up doors, secrets to solutions |
27 |
letter |
the solution is communication, an open communication, opening up communication |
28 |
man |
a revelation about a man, an open or nosy man |
29 |
woman |
a revelation about a woman, an open or nosy woman |
30 |
lily |
to open up to sensuality, virtue opens new experiences |
31 |
sun |
to discover and open oneself to happiness, understanding what happiness is |
32 |
moon |
unlocking the subconscious, new awareness of dreams |
34 |
fish |
revelation about business, discovering wealth or value |
35 |
anchor |
opening up to setting down roots, understanding what holds us |
36 |
cross |
opening up to responsibility, opening up to suffering, vulnerability is a burden |
34 |
wealth, prosperity, abundance, money, business, trade, independence, entrepreneurship, creativity, freedom |
1 |
rider |
financial news, business news, lots of visitors, lots of news |
2 |
clover |
luck in financial matters, feeling unburdened by finances |
3 |
ship |
a costly journey, a profitable journey, discovering value |
4 |
house |
wealthy family, traditions are valued |
5 |
tree |
increase in wealth, financial stability, family business |
6 |
clouds |
confusion about finances, confusion about what one values |
7 |
snake |
desire for wealth, greed |
8 |
coffin |
loss of finances, lose something of value |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
giving away wealth, generosity |
10 |
scythe |
taking stock of financial situation, settling finances |
11 |
whip |
conflict over business matters, financial compensation |
12 |
bird |
worries about finances, too many worries |
13 |
child |
little wealth, new wealth, being inexperienced/vulnerable/innocent in financial matters |
14 |
fox |
caution about finances, selfish view of money, greedy |
15 |
bear |
financial situation is overpowering, possessiveness |
16 |
star |
hope for wealth, trusting in prosperity |
17 |
stork |
transformation in one's thinking about business |
18 |
dog |
many friends/pets, value of friendship |
19 |
tower |
value of solitude, disconnect with others due to financial reasons |
20 |
garden |
value of one's public image, shared wealth of a community |
21 |
mountain |
financial difficulties, understanding value of challenges |
22 |
road / crossroad |
financial decision, valuing freedom |
23 |
mouse |
loss of finances, something is losing value to you |
24 |
heart |
the value of love and compassion, buying love, many lovers/suitors |
25 |
ring |
may commitments, a business commitment, a financial contract |
26 |
book |
knowledge about finance, vast knowledge, expensive tuition |
27 |
letter |
conversations about finances, financial documents/bills, taxes |
28 |
man |
a wealthy or greedy man, a male business partner |
29 |
woman |
a wealthy or greedy woman, a female business partner |
30 |
lily |
pleasure in material objects, honest financial dealings, business integrity |
31 |
sun |
wealth of happiness, finding happiness in financial things |
32 |
moon |
value of emotions, feelings on finances |
33 |
key |
revelation about business, discovering wealth or value |
35 |
anchor |
finding stability in material things, being restrained by material things |
36 |
cross |
the burden of financial responsibilities, wealth can be a burden, money & religion, tithe |
35 |
stability, steadiness, security, fortitude, willpower, resilience, consistency predictability, certainty, restraint, success, arrival |
1 |
rider |
message of satisfaction, achieving goals, weighed down by a message |
2 |
clover |
happiness in security, holding onto one's luck |
3 |
ship |
a safe journey, feeling restrained by tradition |
4 |
house |
stability in family, being restrained by tradition |
5 |
tree |
stable health, physical restraint, strong stability, routines |
6 |
clouds |
confusion about one's focus, lacking in stability |
7 |
snake |
desire for stability, attached to ambitions |
8 |
coffin |
being stuck in one's grief, inability to let go of loss |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
stability amongst friends, comfort with social circle |
10 |
scythe |
ending one's ties to something, removing restraints |
11 |
whip |
inability to let go of something, being shaped by trauma |
12 |
bird |
inability to let go of worries, focus on stress |
13 |
child |
a point of stability for a child, be restrained by inexperience |
14 |
fox |
secure in one's identity, focused on self-interest |
15 |
bear |
having a strong and dominant focus in one area of life |
16 |
star |
holding onto hope, strong faith |
17 |
stork |
a focus on transformation and change, a focus on movement |
18 |
dog |
stability and security with a friendship, strong loyalty |
19 |
tower |
creating a secure defense, security in authority/institutions |
20 |
garden |
focused on public appearances, what a community focuses on |
21 |
mountain |
obstacle to security, obstacle to setting down roots |
22 |
road / crossroad |
choices are foundation for all things, choice holds us down |
23 |
mouse |
holding onto something that is decaying, losing security and stability |
24 |
heart |
finding security in love, holding onto a relationship |
25 |
ring |
finding security in a promise/commitment, bound/weighed down by promise/commitment |
26 |
book |
safety in knowledge, holding onto truth, stability in education, weighed down by secrets |
27 |
letter |
focus on communication, stability and safety in communication, weighed down by paperwork |
28 |
man |
a man that is solid, deep, focused or restrained |
29 |
woman |
a woman that is solid, deep, focused or restrained |
30 |
lily |
grounded by pleasure, dedication to morality & virtue |
31 |
sun |
a happy security, finding pleasure in safety |
32 |
moon |
emotions creating stability, to be deeply tied to emotions, deep mysteries, mystical ideas |
33 |
key |
opening up to setting down roots, understanding what holds us |
34 |
fish |
finding stability in material things, being restrained by material thins, lots of things
hold you down |
36 |
cross |
finding stability in religion, holding onto dogma, deep religious/spiritual beliefs/ties |
36 |
spirituality, guidance, mystery, faith, fate, destiny, karma, duty, necessity,
burden, crisis, tests, trials, tribulations |
1 |
rider |
painful message, difficulties, religious/spiritual visitor/messages |
2 |
clover |
taking responsibilities lightly, taking morals lightly |
3 |
ship |
exploring ideologies, traveling and discovery create suffering, religious travel |
4 |
house |
family can be a burden, religious/spiritual home, suffering for/i the
household |
5 |
tree |
pain & suffering, firm roots, convictions, spiritual ancestry, religious roots |
6 |
clouds |
confusion in religion/spirituality, uncertainty causes suffering, painful confusion |
7 |
snake |
burdened by one's desires, to strive despite suffering, wrapped up in religion/spiritual matters |
8 |
coffin |
a painful ending, deep suffering coming from loss, end of religious pursuit |
9 |
flowers / bouquet |
social life is a burden, suffering for social life |
10 |
scythe |
responsibility of ending, sudden pain & suffering |
11 |
whip |
suffering from aggression, to take abuse, punishing religious/spiritual ideas or practices |
12 |
bird |
worries about responsibilities & burdens, talk & chatter about religion/spirituality |
13 |
child |
inexperience is a burden, suffering because of one's vulnerability, new religion/spiritual
experience |
14 |
fox |
conflict between duty vs self, suspicion is a burden |
15 |
bear |
leadership is a burden, a suffering leader, religious/spiritual leader or bully |
16 |
star |
conflict between individual spirituality and religion |
17 |
stork |
responsibility creates transformation, transformation in how we deal with suffering |
18 |
dog |
friendship can be a burden, loyalty can be a burden, following dogma, comfort in religion/spirituality |
19 |
tower |
loneliness creates suffering, the burden of authority, spiritual institution/org, religious retreat |
20 |
garden |
fame is a burden, suffering in public, cultural burden, a religious/spiritual network/club/group |
21 |
mountain |
unbearable challenge, obstacle causing suffering, obstacle to ideology or spiritual growth |
22 |
road / crossroad |
freedom vs responsibility, a painful choice/decision, burdened by choices, religious options,
religious or spiritual ambivalence |
23 |
mouse |
unhealthy ideology, convictions are decaying, eaten away by religion/spiritual matters |
24 |
heart |
love can be a burden, love causes suffering, love of religion/spiritual things |
25 |
ring |
committed to responsibility, promise that burdens, bound by suffering |
26 |
book |
the burden of truth, religious knowledge/information or secrets |
27 |
letter |
communication is a burden, communicating one's suffering, religious papers/spiritual writings |
28 |
man |
a religious/spiritual man, man that is burdened or suffering, masculine duties |
29 |
woman |
a religious woman, a woman that is burdened, feminine duties |
30 |
lily |
burden of sensuality, sensuality causes suffering, virtue is a burden |
31 |
sun |
finding joy with responsibilities, finding joy despite suffering |
32 |
moon |
suffering from emotions, deep suffering |
33 |
key |
opening up to responsibility, opening up to suffering, vulnerability is a burden |
34 |
fish |
the burden of financial responsibilities, wealth can be a burden, spiritual abundance |
35 |
anchor |
finding stability in religion/spirituality, holding onto dogma |