The Self
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" Therefore be at peace with your God, whatever you conceive him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life. Keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. "
 ... Max Ehr - "Desiderata"

Note: This page is in progress - undoubtedly, many revisions are forthcoming.


Knowledge is power.  To know ourself is to have power over ourself and the things pertaining to us.  What inspires a person to seek self-knowledge?  Fascination, discomfort, crisis - the greatest wisdom comes from tragedy.  Comfort breeds complacency, so it is not surprising that we find ourselfs in a constant series of "ups and downs".  It is as if we are the heavenly gardener's seedlings, being prodded and prompted to grow and blossom.  Nothing grabs our attention more effectively than discomfort, pain, or crisis.  When we begin to pay attention to the way we relate to life and the people in our lives, a plethora of insights begins to open up and we find ourselves face to face with with a very powerful source of energy- the SELF.  We begin the awesome journey of becoming acquainted with our inner workings, our motus operendi , our method of operation.  Both positive and negative sides of our nature are waiting to be explored, studied, understood, embraced, and appreciated as the composite of the marvelous creature that we are.  We have the splendid opportunity to alter our life's course, to correct and balance specific non-productive attitudes and behaviors.  We become pro-active in shaping our destiny.  We are the key to our own evolution - individually and collectively as a species.  We are co-authors of the future.  In a very real sense, the future is NOW.

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The Search for Understanding

What makes us tick?  Our conscious and subconscious thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced, and affected, and contorted by elements and events such as:

Inherent personality traits
Past and present life experiences
Parents - Family - Environment
Culture - Society
Values - our own and others'

Consider the phenomenon of the human psyche.   Why do multiple people experiencing the same event, or environment, form different perspectives of them, and make diverse choices based on them?  The Cain and Abel principle, the "bad seed", the rebel child, the black sheep of the family -- what determines the fork in the road that invites one person to travel in one direction, and another to go a completely different way?

The will of man - freedom of choice, begets the uniqueness of SELF.  We have the liberty, and even the responsibility to develop our individuality, even though we are part of a larger unit; our family, our peers, and from a higher vantage point, as representatives of our species.  We process information and situations according to our inherent filters and reactors.  This is the grandiose divine plan for the human race - to express all the potentialities of our Creator - "All That Is" - by demonstrating HIS/OUR versatility via the mysterious quirks and qualities of this fascinating vehicle called human nature.  

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Learning to Give and Receive Love
The Greatest Commandment is This:  That we love our neighbor as ourself.  As we stumble through our life lessons, we are constantly learning what it means to love.  We are taught profound axioms such as "Love conquers all" and "Love covers a multitude of sins".  In this rapidly decaying world in which we live, integrity, virtue, honesty, and openness are becoming vague fading concepts which pertained to the idealism of generations past.  It requires a strong defiant spirit to keep these qualities alive and ignited within ourselves and the world around us.  We watch with heavy eyes as virtue is mocked and honesty becomes an elusive enigma.   Our interaction with others is actually a dance of strategies, designed to serve secret agendas.  Often,it is hard to find our way to the clear, naked truth within ourselves.  If we do not know how to find honesty whiin ourselves, surely it is impossible to find it in others.  It has been revealed by the Masters, spiritual teachers of past and present, that negative behavior is based on fear.  If we examine the source of our defense mechanisms, our prejudices, and our carefully honed strategies, we will find that it is some element of fear that compels us to act and react from a platform of self preservation.  We have become so deluded by our fears, we do not even realize what we are doing, or why.  We employ automatic subconscious techniques which are designed to protect us (we think) from ourselves and from the world at large.

Imagine a New World - where beings have no cloak of secrecy to shroud the true thoughts and intents of the heart; a world where all is exposed.  There would be no need for pretense, or deception, or suspicion.  Our thoughts would be known before we ever utter a word.  The dynamics of human interaction, communication, and attachment would be vastly different that we know it today, and yet this is the direction of human evolution.  This world is coming - are we ready for it?  The earth is shifting into a higher dimension, propelled by the spiritual grown and maturity of its inhabitants.  We will find ourselves living either in this new dimension, or on a cosmic plane which corresponds to our level of enlightenment.  We will dwell in a world of like-souls; i.e. beings whose spiritual maturity, (sometimes referred to as cosmic awareness) matches our own.    The rapture, the ascension, the "first fruits" are all references to this.

The life elements menioned above must come under review as we find our way to TRUTH within and without.  As we follow this path, and heal ourselves from the injuries sustained during our walk of life, we replace hurt with forgiveness, we experience compassion; we begin to know the nature of LOVE.  Honesty and openness produce strength in our being - confidence and security are by products of TRUTH.  When our fears are examined and healed, we are brought into balance with all of creation.  We are aligned with the cosmos.  We are able to relate to the world without our defense mechanisms, and we find that the world responds to us in a positive and loving way.  We project an energy of righteousness, where we harbor no thoughts or wishes for harm toward ourself or toward our fellow man.  We experience an exchange of energy with one another which is not only supportive and nurturing, but of powerful and life changing.  Our thoughts and desires create a force of energy - this energy has a ripple effect which can move mountains, create miracles, and bring LOVE to us in many forms.

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 Learning to Give and Receive Love  The Search for Understanding  Introduction